Some Updates

April 4, 2024

With a lot going on in my life (positively), I’ve been a bit slow on writing posts here. This week, though, I’ve been doing some work around the site and figured I’d note a few updates.

Portfolio Updates. I’ve updated the site with a small but growing portfolio section. The three pieces I’ve included so far display some of my technical writing chops in a variety of genres and formats, including updated documentation for my Hugo theme, a technical article I wrote for Hugo image optimization, and a short tutorial I wrote for my students on exporting ChatGPT converstations when they use the tool for writing purposes. (I don’t particularly want to write a post on how ChatGPT is affecting writing pedagogy. But, I probably will.)

Documentation Projects. I’ve also been putting the proverbial money in the area of my mouth lately by contributing documentation to open source projects on GitHub. I spent a few weeks learning the basics of REST API documentation using tools like SwaggerUI, cURL, Postman, and Stoplight. Afterwards, I contributed an OpenAPI specification document that’s under review with its developer, and I’ve also contributed some smaller-scale documentation to another project. I hope to pull these into my portfolio soon, but for now you can check out my GitHub contributions to see the examples. Along these lines, I’m looking for more documentation projects to work on. If you’re in need of some solid technical writing, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can email me, or use…

The Comments Section. This is an idea I’ve had in my head for a while, and I’ve finally decided to go for it. Over the past several months, my site has been getting a lot more hits, so I figured now is a good time. I’ll include them selectively on pages where I think an audience might find it useful or fun to comment, and reassess as I go. There’s always the possibility that they go empty for a while, and that’s okay, too.

Tea. Unrelated to… anything else, I’ve decided to start a new section/sub-focus for the site. My growing obsession over the past six months or so has been Chinese tea, specifically puer and yancha. I decided this week to just start posting some reviews/notes of the many teas I’ve been trying and hopefully building that out into a section of the site. This is all just for fun, and I’m certainly not a tea expert–at the very least, though it will give me a way to archive my thoughts on the teas I’m trying. I’m finishing two posts on Kuura Cola and a 2018 Bulang raw puer tea from Liquid Proust that I’ll publish soon.

So, there are some updates. If any of this seems interesting to you, or there are other things you’d like to see, try out that little comments section below!